Quality / Original
The Fine Art
of Photography .........
At the request of a number of print collectors, here's another gallery of classic b&w shots from my work for Penthouse, a few years ago...Stone was 19 at the time and had never done professional photos before, which was true for most of the girls I worked with in those days. I think you'll agree she did a very nice job. (This series ran originally in "Penthouse Letters")
Don't forget about my fine art print sale, and also the upcoming workshop on Jan 11.
Today, I'm posting a public 10-page presentation gallery of nearly every shot (over 200 photos) I've ever published of my most well-known model, Natalie, as well as a few I've never shown before.There's a wide variety of scan sizes (and qualities) here, since some of these were done several years ago. (Dates on photos reflect dates of publication, rather than session dates.)
I'm posting this especially for those interested in the big Holiday Print Sale.
If Liz Ashley were a few inches taller (to fit the traditional "fashion model" mold) she'd probably be on a Vogue cover. But their loss is our good fortune, as you'll see.
Today's gallery is a group of more candid shots from the Normandy adventure.
These were taken in between "official" sessions - which at times can make them more interesting, and even more erotic than the posed and rehearsed sets we normally shoot.
Laura was taking a cigarette break between shooting sessions and, as much as your photographer hates to see a young girl developing bad habits, he had to admit that the situation presented some obvious erotic overtones. So... here's a rather candid series of this girl, in a Prague apartment, half dressed, half smoking and half posing for the camera. Very sexy...
I've included a few explicit shots from the session that immediately followed.
You may recognize the hotel background in this set of images from a Bangkok shoot a few years back. It's the same room used with Jet in our 10-07 update.
These are best described as nude portraits, rather than an erotic fantasy. The Thai girls were not at all used to professional cameras or to posing as "models". The shots therefore are sometimes more revealing and compelling than, for instance, the photos from a typical hot session with one of the Eastern European fashion models.
My personal picks among these photos would be the series from #757 to #767 - the overall feeling of looking at those is pretty close to what it felt like to be there shooting her.
Liz is another former Playboy model who works a lot in fine art workshops and glamour shoots all across the country. I have several sessions with her, coming in the near future.
I considered presenting today's extra large gallery in black & white, but then the luscious creamy tones of her near perfect skin would have been lost. I encourage you to take a long look at some of the portrait shots just to properly enjoy those eyes and lips. Of course, my guess is that most of you will get lost in some of the other photos...
She's a natural blonde beauty from head to toe, including that currently illusive attribute we see so little of these days - full bushy pubic hair.
Today's session with Mia is from the now legendary week-long adventure in the Normany countryside.
We had Mia and six other Czech beauties for seven days and nights in a huge French chateau, and the surrounding fields and forrests. This gallery of images was shot on one of our final afternoons, in the large dining room. It's easy to see that Mia has warmed up to the experience and is extra Hot for the camera. I've got a couple other sets of Mia here.
I shot Cassandra using my traditional canvas backdrop. The sets of her posted previously are all in color, but I chose to do this one in black & white.
She's worked with Playboy in LA, and I think you'll agree she's got the perfect body for it. I have 4 very nice sets of this model, so we'll probably see her again here.
Today's gallery comes from a series of sessions I call the "White House Nudes" - shot over the course of several years in a big white mansion in the San Francisco hills.
The models were non-professionals, although certainly not shy about their bodies. Athena was one of the more adventurous ones, with her own equipment and toys.
As you'll see, these images are a bit different from my recent color work in Europe - primarily due to the fact that I was still shooting film and using the old faithful Hasselblad.
One of my first shoots using a digital camera was back in early 2002, in Bangkok. Some of these sessions have already been posted here in the Archive, and others are now being revamped to suit the new format -such as this one of 18 yr old Jet.
I photographed about a dozen "models" on each of three trips to Thailand. I hesitate to use the word "models" since these girls had never posed for professional photos before, and had very little notion of art or eroticism.
You may be able to see, in the progression of the session, how Jet goes from being timid, to more confident, and then to having a fun time. I'll post a few more of these in the coming weeks, and I think you'll see a similar transformation with each girl.
Here's an uncharacteristically (for me) candid series of Laura at a recent shoot in Prague - starting with some shots done within minutes of her arrival, removing her street clothes. The second part was done as she shaved in the shower.
In both cases I think you'll note a refreshing break from the usual blatant erotica, in favor of a more intimate and "real" sensuality.
A woman with a body like Domino's presents an interesting problem for the photographer. One assumes that large breasts and a pretty face will practically create the photos on their own. On the contrary, I find shooting this type of model to be much more difficult than working with a "normal" size figure.
Take a look at the variety of the poses we tried in this session and I think you'll see that only a few of them result in truly successful images - although if this is your preference in body types, I'm sure you'll find them all quite erotic.
Here's another session with Christelle shot on my original canvas backdrop. You'll notice a difference in color compared to last week's set of Heather. This is due to using a different "white balance" setting in the camera.
I like both the cool and the warm tones resulting from this adjustment - in truth neither is exactly accurate in rendering the real backdrop color, but what matters most to me is the final impact of the images.
I normally tend to stay away from props, especially hats, but for some reason this bizarre chapeau she brought to the studio seemed to fit with her wardrobe, and with our mood, so we shot without removing it the whole afternoon.
I got to use one of my favorite Randy Newman lines: "You can leave your hat on."
These two models were a joy to work with, and had a lot of fun doing this semi-bondage shoot in Prague.
Wildy has worked with me several times, and is very popular here. Katrin was a beginner model, a bit hesitant to explore new ideas, but in the end she worked out great
I'd have to say that Mina is one of the most beautiful women I've photographed in my 30+ year career.
The simple clean symmetry of her face, the satisfying proportions of her body, the calm yet intense eyes - they all add up to a perfect 10.
I've included several very revealing nudes in this gallery, but I'd direct your attention as well to some of the portraits. Shots #7634 thru #7659 are my personal favorites. Just try not to fall in love..
Here's another nice series of Amber in the studio.
I get a lot of positive comments whenever I post a set of Amber photos, and I'm sure there will be no complaints when I add this seventh gallery.
Come along on a photo safari as the photographer attempts to focus a new 400mm Nikon VR lens.
This exercise contains a few artsy fuzzy pictures, but eventually results in some sharp images - and in any case the journey is quite pleasant, as we track lovely Ronni strolling down a sunlit forest path in the Normandy countryside.
Charlie started as a teen fashion model, and is now primarily a glamour model working in England, France and the Czech Republic. She has a look of maturity, and a few lines and wrinkles that I suspect will come as a welcome addition for some of the Archive membership.
I shot this session in the apartment in Prague, using only soft window light, so you'll notice a soft grainy effect in some of the photos.
This is a series of shots done on my original old canvas backrop, which I still love to use from time to time.
Keira is not the classic figure model, nor is she rail thin like some of the Prague fashion models - she's just refreshingly round and natural, and also refreshingly awkward as she takes off clothes and strikes poses - a quality I often find more appealing and in a way more erotic than the models who seem to know what they're doing.
(BTW, don't confuse this Keira with Keira K - both lovely in their own way, but obv. totally different models.)
Here is the remainder of Adriana's first photo session - a series of candid shots showing her shaving on set in front of a vanity mirror.
I liked the combination of innocence, sexiness and matter-of-fact pragmatism in this series. Rather than thinking about how she was going to look on camera, she really got totally involved in the task of shaving - giving us, the viewers, that tantalizing feeling of observing an intimate act.
Adriana is a Greek college student, modeling to make some extra money. She wasn't quite sure whether to shave her pubic hair, or let it grow in more for our session (which I'd requested); consequently, she arrived in an in-between state, with sort of a 5-o'clock shadow.
To make the best of the situation, I decided to shoot her as she was, but to also shoot her shaving after that. So Set #1 has some very nice posed nudes of this beginner model, and Set #2, coming in a few days, shows a candid series of her shaving herself and showing off the smooth results.
Layla is an English model who has been requested by a number of members, so I'm posting another set of her. She has a great, voluptuous body - in fact you'll notice I photographed her in her big white bra almost as much as without it, since she looked very sexy both ways.
(btw, she's very sweet, in spite of her serious look.)
Picture yourself in a small European hotel, on the Mediterranean coast, on a warm summer afternoon. You're traveling for a few weeks with your new Italian girlfriend, Sara, and you're just taking a few casual snapshots as she takes off her dress and settles down on the bed...
That's exactly the feeling I had as I made this series of shots. Sara has the aura of a real woman - not so much a fashion model, or a nude web star, but someone with some real character and true sex appeal.
"Cox" is a lovely 19 year old Czech model, who probably doesn't understand the English implications of the pseudonym she's chosen for herself...and I gave up trying to explain it to her.
This is the second of four sessions with this model - in this case, I used the same setup as you may have seen last month with Mikelle. Quite often on these shoots, we move quickly from one set to the next and I tend to repeat the sets that are to my liking - spare and simple.
Again, the lighting is one big source, bounced off two white walls in a corner - nothing could be easier, and yet the results are quite bold and elegant (imho..)
Here's a sample of what you can get with the absolute simplest studio lighting setup, even 5000 miles from home.
This was done in a large apartment with white walls. Two large softboxes were positioned a few feet from the model, camera left (although one light source would also have worked nearly as well) and I was about 15ft back for most of the shots.
Because the walls serve as reflectors, the light on the model turns out fine from almost any angle, and also wipes out most shadows on the rear wall. If you don't have a huge apartment, you can just scale down the shoot to either portraits, or waist-up images.
I used to shoot almost exclusively black & white studio sessions, and I usually made it a point to get non-smiling expressions on the models' faces. I thought it added to the artistic nature of the work (it did).
Now I'm finding myself doing just the opposite - trying to get big smiles out of the models (the Czech word for smile = oosmiev). For some reason, in color, and in a bright sunny room, it seems much sexier to see a happy face.
It's lucky I've changed my approach, since today's model, Ellen, could not stop grinning for more than about 10 seconds. As you'll see, even in the most explicit poses, she's got an award winning smile.
As many of you know, I've been shooting a lot in Eastern Europe lately. I've become fascinated with the variety of faces we see in the models there - some with the classic Czech bone structure, high cheekbones and full lips - and others with an almost Asian look, such as you'll see in this series of Tina.
There are a few rather explicit shots in this galler but the ones I find the most erotic are a group of about a dozen simple photos of Tina removing her jeans while lying on the bed. The images are somewhat posed, but also candid and "real" at the same time. I even included some awkward in-between shots, since I find those can bring out that sexy innocence so often missing from erotic photography these days.
I shot Mikelle with a Nikon D300, in color mode, and then converted to grayscale for this gallery. I think the lighting here lends itself to this process - white walls, full frontal strobes in softboxes, very flat and even.
These sessions generally run about 30 to 45 minutes, so I don't get a lot of time with each model. Mikelle is quite experienced with fashion and glamour, so we were able to get quite a few very striking shots - some just fun and sexy and others very
This session with Mina was done with all natural light in a beautiful sunny penthouse bedroom in the apartment in Prague, just a few weeks ago.
Shooting in a room with three white walls and one bank of windows is nearly a no-brainer - very difficult to find an angle that isnt full of perfect soft light.
And using the new Nikon cameras takes all the questions out of exposure and focus, so at times I wondered if the photographer was even necessary. But I guess someone is still needed to decide when to push the shutter release.
I've shot this model for the London Studio Group 5 or 6 times. She calls herself Lola, for obvious reaons.
In person she's exactly the way she appears in the pictures: young, happy, pretty, very sexy - but I don't think she's ever said a word during our sessions. She smiles and nods, and follows directions, but she's probably the quietest girl I've ever worked with.
Here's a change of pace - a b&w series from one of my "observer" workshops. A group of photographers gathered in my studio to watch and learn some of my basic techniques, from making and using a canvas backdrop to shooting film and Polaroids with a Hasselblad.
The results of this workshop were quite satisfying, and some of these shots have appeared in various photo and fetish books.
I've also included a few proof sheets in this gallery, to give a better idea of the progression of poses and angles involved getting "just the right shot".
When was the last time you saw a woman wearing a girdle? I'd have to say it was many years ago, in the Sears Catalog - that is, until I shot this week's cover girl, Natalie M. *
Natalie is very fond of this retro-pinup look - with the girdle, white stockings, big brassier (for obvious reasons), etc - so we had a lot of fun with her 1950's era underwear. Have no fear, however, she managed to remove most of it by the end of the session.
*Please note, this is not the other Natalie, from my earlier b&w work.
I've just returned from a marathon shoot in Prague - photographing a new crop of models. And from my totally biased and unscientific polling, Keira seems to have won the hearts of a majority of the Private Archive members, so here she is.
This was an unusual encounter, since she'd written to me weeks before saying she had just started modeling and was hoping to work with me. It was a nice coincidence that I was already booked to do the LSG shoot in March, so we immediately added her to the schedule.
For those who need an excuse to look at the pictures, you can study the difference between these, done with the new Nikon D300, as opposed to my other recent shots, using the D2X.
When shooting in a new environment, I often try to get the models to stand in for some lighting tests, before we really get going on the actual shooting session, since I hate to have to stop and adjust lights during the shoot.
In this case, I was fortunate to have two models hanging around, although as you'll see, one of them needed a little help getting undressed.
Nela returns with a series done during my first Prague trip, when she was a complete novice, and only 18. This session took place in a very small studio, with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees.
You can see a bit of a glow on her skin, due to the heat and humidity, but I think it only adds to the sexiness of the photos.
Today, I'm presenting a guest gallery of enchanting work from a new book by a fellow photographer.
Jack Gilbert is the founder of Michelle7.com, one of the web's most influential sites devoted to artistic nude photography. He is also responsible for a related site, Visions of Ophelia, which focuses on his own visions of beautiful young women. The new book, of the same name, is a wonderful collection of black & white nudes and semi-nude portraits of girls on the cusp of woman-hood, photographed with obvious appreciation for their unique mystery and magic.
I posted a gallery of Demi several months ago, and I've recently received a couple requests for more of her, so here she is again.
This series has a much different look from the previous set, although they were both made the same afternoon in Prague. Here, she's got that traditional sexy fashion model pose - it could be an ad for perfume or jeans (don't worry, those come off about half-way through)
Here's another gallery of images from the LSG London house - again with one of my favorites, Wildy.
These were done with available light on a rather cloudy afternoon, so you'll see the ISO 800 grain in many of the images - which I happen to like.
The digital format makes low light shooting much more palatable, but many people don't like this type of "noise" in the photos. I, on the other hand, am reminded of the old fashioned look of high--speed film and push-processing. and for me it adds a bit of artsiness to the shots.
In any case, I doubt anyone will object to looking at this beautiful young woman, no matter what the format.
Amber is back, for a session we might call "Fun with Pantyhose"
I've never been a big fan of pantyhose - I much prefer bare legs or thigh-high stockings (although I don't really look good in either) - so it was surprising how many nice shots we got in this series of our favorite hot redhead posing in her striped hose, and then proceeding to carefully cut out the crotch, for some even better pics.
At the ripe old age of 26, Adriana is considered nearly over the hill in the modeling world, but there's certainly no sign of it in this set.
This gallery comes from a recent shoot at the English country house, just outside London. Adriana was with us for a couple days, and I did four long shoots with her, but I think this simple natural light series, shot in the smallest bedroom, is my favorite.
The wardrobe was little more than cut-off jeans and a blouse - which I often find more erotic than any wild fetish outfit - and she has a sexy maturity you just can't find in teenagers.
Morey Interview
All photographs © 1974 - 2010 by Craig Morey, except where otherwise noted. Contact: Morey Studio PO Box 8747 Emeryville CA 94662. All content on this site is protected by US and International copyright laws. No use of any image in any media is permitted without written permission from the copyright holder, Craig Morey. This site contains nudity, and should be viewed only by those interested in bold artistic representations of the naked human body. All models are over the age of 18. |
Today's PODs:
