I've added some
to the Helena
and for those interested in some nice classic nude prints, I've
just posted 4 variations of one of my favorite Helena photos,
on the auction
Helena by Morey
Here is something
different - a guest
but with a series of images shot in my studio at a private workshop.
Luis Lara is a promising amateur photographer who spent a day
with me recently, shooting the lovely Helena.
We both shot
this model - Luis with his nice hi-res
digital camera,
and I with my trusty Hasselblad. I would set up a scene and various
poses, shoot a roll, and then let Luis take over. We both had
a terrific time, and we both got some very nice photos. My
black & white series of Helena is going up slowly, as we scan and process
the b&w negs. Luis was able to quickly send me some representative
samples from his digital files.
This is not meant
as a competition, but more as a demonstration of how different
photographers can interpret the same model, using identical lighting
- and also, a good sample of how a non-professional can come
up with some pretty impressive shots with just a bit of coaching
(and a near perfect model !).
(For more info
on my private workshops, write to me at chm@moreystudio.com.
Bobby is one of my personal favorites from
the Penthouse sessions, and she's back, by popular demand. She
has a certain innocence and casualness about her that I find
very sexy.
She seems unimpressed,
almost embarrassed about her nearly perfect body, which adds
to the allure.
Later today or
tomorrow, more of Helena....
A quick peek
at Helena - just a couple scans
from a recent private workshop, with one of the most beautiful
models I've had in the studio in quite some time. More coming
OK, a bit of
a gap in the updates - Thanksgiving break, etc... But we're back
at the scanner now. Shannon's gallery has had some
For me this set
of photos proves you can never predict the erotic possibilities
of any subject. She appears very unrefined at first, but then
reveals a truly authentic sexuality. More coming shortly.
This is the start
of the new Shannon gallery. I've got quite
a few variations of these images which will be posted over the
next few days. These are part of the WhiteHouse series, shot
on location in San Francisco.
Shannon reminds me of one of those girls from
high school or college - not exactly the traditional high fashion
model type, but more earthy and sexy.
Just received
a copy of the new Moist magazine, with a nice feature on my work.
They've selected a group of images related to the theme of "touch",
as I think you'll be able to see from this
Most of these
photos can be found elsewhere on the site, although there may
be a couple that most of you have not seen.
Moist is a nice
little publication out of Ottowa Canada. They can be contacted
from their web site at moist-erotica.com
Someone has asked
to see a selection of b&w Couples shots, so I'm posting
a small group of these that I've been intending to expand. (We
hope to get to that shortly.)
I have several
sets of work with couples that I shot for Penthouse, most of
which were never published. The first group comes from my very
first assignement with them (see thumbnail).
Leanan is a sentimental favorite of mine -
shot for Penthouse, for the Erotic Dancer series, this session
was the first San Francisco shoot for them in the Studio Nudes
style, and was done prior to setting up the Emeryville studio.
A few more from
on the bed.
The Thailand
girls all have what we Westerners consider unusual names. It
seems most of their real names are nearly unpronounceable, even
to the Thais, so they all have short cute nicknames.
This model is
called "Poom
I shot her in my hotel studio during my second trip to Bangkok.
She looked like a little lost waif when I first met her, but
soon showed an unusual poise and eroticism during our session.
A second group
of shots with her will be up in a couple days.10-23-04
I'm adding new
images to the Kitty
(Session 2)
gallery today. She turned out to be quite a contortionist, as
you can see in our Featured
page. I'm also reviewing about a dozen proofs from her first
session (with Trisha) - those should appear in a new update shortly.
Don't forget
to check the new
print sale and auction page - new lightjet prints (silver emulsion) at lower
I've had a request
for another Archive favorite: Bambi. This set is from the
original group of galleries, and we're in the process of enlarging
and enhancing the images.
Bambi was shot
for my Penthouse series and she's known for having what may be
the best naturalbreasts on the site (with the exception, of course,
of Natalie)
Auctions are back - this time
I'm posting some of my favorite images as FCA prints. These are available
for direct purchase, or at ebay and Amazon auctions, at very
reasonable prices.
As if I have
nothing better to do, our transaction processor has just announced
that they're completely changing their online billing set-up
- which means hours of re-coding the site. While we make the
changes, of course, we have to stay in business, so I'm posting
some really cheap, non-recurring
rates - just to lure in all you undecided voters. Click here
for more info
OK, first, this wasn't my idea. It was
that naughty Zille who asked to be tied
up and put in a box...and photographed.
I agreed, because
of course, she promised to be completely naked most of the evening.
This is one of
those shoots I do from time to time - models come to me with
ideas and I do a shoot for them, and in return they do a shoot
for me (using MY ideas).
So Zille and
Tatiana had this
as you'll see, which when carried out turned out to be (a) fun
and kinky sexy (b) odd and disturbing or (C) kind of sick. Let
me know what you think.
I didn't light
this shoot in my normal way, since they wanted more of a warehouse
look. The models were a lot of fun - especially the kissing-through-tape
scene - but I must admit I got a bit of a chill when Tatiana
began closing up the box.
(We got some
happy shots of Zille at the end, just so everyone knows she survived
the experience.)
I will be posting
the newest Private Archive Monthly Review today, with a special
2-month discounted membership offer. I usually send this announcement
only to our Newsletter subscribers, but we are apparently experiencing
a glitch with VISA transactions at the moment, so I want to make
everyone aware of the special offer.
If your VISA card was rejected for no known reason, try the special
offer, which is processed through a different banking system.
To see the offer page, and the latest Monthly Review , go to:
This gallery is a sneak peek at work I've just sent
to London for the upcoming new edition of the Mammoth Book of
The editor has
made this
which I think is an excellent representation of my work, especially
the detail shots.
Today I'm experimenting
with b&w
conversions from color digital files. These are new shots that originated
as high res camera files. The green and blue channels have been
removed in Photoshop, leaving only the red layer, whch was then
converted to monochrome gray.
I must say I
prefer my old fashioned b&w negs, scanned for the web, but
I'll keep experimenting. Your comments on b&w conversions
are welcome (see Forum)
The subject is
a local fetish model, photographed in my San Francisco studio
prior to our move. Before you ask, I have no idea what that snake
tattoo may mean...
I guess I should
be flattered that the hackers have decided our site is worth
cracking - to the tune of a 1200% increase in Archive traffic
this week.
In any case,
while I've been distracted with such techno problems, not to
mention the move to our new Emeryville location, I see that the
Gallery updates are lagging a bit. So.. a couple quick selections:
Cynthia is (as far as I know) the only Native
American / Indian I've photographed. As you'll see from the unusual
combination of determination and hesitancy in her eyes, she was
not used to being in front of a camera.
Then there's
the session I call M&P. A group of models who
were VERY into being photographed - and who couldn't keep their
hands off each other.
I've been getting
more than the usual number of inquiries lately about private
nude commissions. Evidently, someone has recommended one of my
nude sessions as an excellent Xmas gift.
So, I've put
together sort of a "best-of-the-Private-Commissions" gallery - both
for the Archive members and for my prospective clients. Many
of these shots have appeared here before, but I find it very
interesting to group them together and take a look at the range
of bodies and poses.
These commissions
are always fun - sometimes it's the woman doing a secret session
to show her boyfriend or husband, and sometimes it's a man's
gift to his lover, to have her pampered and photographed as an
object of desire. If you're interested in more details, costs,
etc, just write to me @ chm @ moreystudio.com.
If you like feet,
or shoes, or if you've ever wondered what it would be like if
women wore high heels designed like ballet point shoes, then
you'll enjoy this
set of b&w shots of Sasha Monet. I've seen lots of high heels, but these
are the absolute highest.
I shot several
rolls of Sasha wearing these shoes, and not much else, and then
had to carry her to the dressing room for recovery.
Kitty seemed
to feel very much at home in this
position -
and looked good too. I shot three or four rolls of this pose,
with many and various alterations. Eventually I ran out of ideas,
so she had to stand up - the rest of the session coming shortly.
By the way, if
you've had any trouble with an Ibill transaction this week, blame
it on Frances. Our site is hosted in San Francisco, but our payment
processing is done via Ibill's servers in Florida, which is being
hit with a bit of a heavy breeze at the moment. They assure us
that everything will be back to normal very soon, and all transaction
data has been saved.
When good Macs
go bad: Last night I said good-bye to my closest companion -
my faithful Titanium Powerbook - which died a slow painful (for
me, at least) death. And as I witnessed the harddrive dropping
files like autumn leaves, I thought, "Perhaps I should have
backed up the data more often..."
But thanks to
the Genius at the Emeryville Apple store, my little friend should
be going under the IT knife next week and be returned almost
as good as new, albeit sans data (including this web site)
But enough about
my problems - you're probably more interested in these
photos of Kitty.
Some of you have seen her before - and the contortion shots have
always been popular - but we'll be adding newer and bigger scans
shortly, including a set from her first session.
I've just received
a nice big book from Germany, called "Naked". I'm very
impressed with the quality of the photos and the book production.
Since my work is rarely reproduced this nicely, I'm also posting most
of the selection
they used here on the site.
Details: 8x12
338pp, hardcover, ed: Lars Oscenda (Feierabend Verlag OHG,
Berlin) ISBN: 3-89985-160-9
This is a very
big collection, released some time ago in Europe, but now
available via Amazon.com in the US. Mostly German, Italian and Scandanavian
artists - photos of both male and female nudes, mostly b&w.
Craig Morey, Martin Wieland, Carsten Tschach, Franco Fontana,
John Santerineross, Sylvie Blum, others.
You've undoubtedly
noticed that some of my photo sessions contain some stylized
bondage images. I began experimenting with rope and bondage imagery
in 1996 (with Natalie) but I've gotten the opportunity to explore
this theme much more recently, since meeting Midori and Michael
In 2001, I did
the photos for Midori's book, The
Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage, and have collaborated with her on several
photo shoots in the past few years.
Michael Blue
did a great series of behind
the scenes
photos for that book, and we've been friends ever since.
This month's
is a combination of the creative work of both Michael and Midori.
Together and separately they have become important influences
on the world of fetish photography.
A bit longer
than usual between updates, I admit - but I HAVE been working.
In fact, I have witnesses.
We did the second
of the summer workshops last weekend, and everyone seemed to
have a great time. I finally got to shoot the infamous Sasha
who spent the afternoon trying to stand up on her extremely pointy
high heels. At times, she just had to lie down, which also turned
out to be a nice position....
Workshop participants
promised to send me some of their candid snaps, so perhaps we'll
have some available here soon.
I've scanned
a few of the b&w
from the 7/25 workshop with Amoreena. These are not quite
as clear as my normal film scans, since we had to use the flatbed,
but I like to show proof sheets from time to time so you can
see how a shoot progresses.
For those who
attended the workshop, these proofs are available, signed, for
30.00 each. For anyone else, the price is 50.00.
More of Amoreena - these are the digital
files - and more to come. I'll post some of the b&w proofs
either today or tomorrow.
I'm off for a
long weekend of waterskiing and frog hunting back in Indiana,
but I wanted to quickly post some candid shots from our last
workshop in July - compliments of Archive member Luis Lara, who
has been kind enough to let us see these behind-the-scenes snaps.
I'll get some
more of Amoreena up when I return (she was the workshop model)
Also don't forget,
if you're interested in seeing the next workshop session on Aug 15, please register
as soon
as possible.
Busy, busy, busy
.... so why am I not rich?
Anyway, to explain
what's been keeping me away from the computer, first a bit of
background: I have a friend who runs an erotic website devoted
to his artwork and to one very particular sexual fetish. Since
he's a fan of my work, he trusts me to interpret and capture
his artistic vision in photographic terms, and so a few times
a year he commissions me to shoot projects for him which are,
to put it mildly, a bit more explicit than my normal line of
He's gotten very
good at his work, so much so that Goliath Books has just published
his first book, and Playboy TV has begun to produce a documentary
about him for their Sexcetera series. Which brings me to last
For those of
you who subscribe to the Playboy channel, you'll soon be seeing
me in action - shooting stills and directing the video for TheSpiritsStudio.com,
under the watchful eye of Playboy TV cameras. We spent a very
long weekend out in the East Bay suburbs, with a delightful group
of models and crew, doing all sorts of ... well.. let's just
say it was a spanking
good time.
*Warning - this
is more explicit than my usual Studio Nudes work, and may not
be everyone's cup of tea. But fear not, more of Amoreena and
Kona will be coming soon.
I'm just going
over the shots from our very successful Studio Nude Workshop
yesterday. It was exhausting, but well worth it.
If you've ever
wondered what those pretty ballerinas look like out of their
tutus, you'll be very happy with this
workshop session
- the lovely Amoreena spent the afternoon
in our Emeryville studio and a very attentive group of workshop
observers watched while I photographed her for several hours.
Amoreena is a
former dancer now working as a fashion model, and has been (no
surprise) very popular. She can be seen (with more clothes on)
in her online portfolio at OMP
(One Model Place)
If you'd like
to be there for the next Nude Workshop (August 15), click
here for details.
(Workshops are
open to the public, no photo experience necessary, but you must
be at least 18 to attend.)
Back from a brief
vacation in the Heartland - anyone interested in buying some
I'm updating
today. She's another of my favorites, who started out with a
private commission which evolved into a much more explicit nude
I've chosen this
shot of her in the designer sunglasses for the thumbnail for
her gallery, because it suits her rather aristocratic real life.
Also, if anyone
wants to do a last-minute sign-up for the Sunday (7/25) nude
workshop in Emeryville, we do have some openings. Click
here to complete the transaction (no same day signups, please)
Here's a more
complete selection of one of my favorites, Kona. This is the WhiteHouse
- the first one I did with her, and her first time posing nude
(although I don't think I've seen many novices this comfortable
in front of the camera).
Later, we'll
be updating her studio session with some new scans.
There's still
room in our July 25 Studio Nudes workshop in Emeryville, Sign
up here.
Over the next
few days, we'll be adding some images to a few existing galleries,
including Kona and Anne.
In the meantime,
I came across some of the color shots of Barbara that were meant to have
a bit more of that "Playboy" feel than I usually do
- a bit of softening overall, to give it that airbrushed look
we're all used to.
Take alook and see what you think.
We're beginning
to add the new Verisign secure purchase service throughout the
site. Beginning today, members can instantly purchase signed
copies of Linea
at 20% off the normal price.
Non-members may
for the standard Linea purchase page.
Coming soon:
big discounts on FCA prints.
Also don't forget:
Workshops: July 25 / August 15
I'm posting another
private commission today - an interesting shoot for a girl who
wanted to try out for Playboy and needed some well-done nudes.
I've photographed her twice now, and I must say she has noticeably
grown between the first and second sessions.
I originally
met Barbara when she was only 14
years old - a pretty teenager with braces, brought to the studio
by her mother for some standard head shots. Much to my surprise,
she phoned me four years later, as an aspiring Playboy "bunny" to request a much
different shoot
on her own.06-29-04
How to explain
this one... a fun idea and a fun shoot: a beautiful girl...private
commission...hired me to do some photos last weekend as a special
surprise to show to someone she knows visits this site... and
they turned out so well that we decided to show him by posting
them in the Archive...
So, here
she is
- are you paying attention?
Also - just announced
- my Summer
If you want to see how it's all done, click
here for more info.
One of my most
well-known images is the shot of Jarrae's legs sticking up in
the air, her hand gently covering what otherwise would make the
photo almost pornographic (not that there's anything wrong with
that..) If you've ever wondered what the rest of that roll might
look like, I'm posting some of the outtakes and uncovered shots
later today, including a scan of the entire proof sheet.
I think you'll
agree that 96.15 is the outstanding image of the group, but there
are some other very nice shots too.
Also, more never-before-seen
pics from the rest of Jarrae's session.
Jarrae's file had a lot of unposted images,
so we're putting up a set of new larger files.
She's one of
those Helmut Newton-esque models - well over 6' tall in her big
shoes - who just looks great from the front and back both. Another
one of the classic Studio Nudes sessions from Portland. I love
the short cropped hair, but believe it or not, she was wearing
a horrible long wig when I met her.
Just finalizing
the dates for my summer workshops - it's looking like July 25,
Aug 14 and 15. These will be observer workshops, and perhaps
one shooting session, all with limited enrollment.
For more info,
signup for our newsletter on the Home page and you'll get an email notice shortly.
This should be
the last of the Trisha
3 group.
There are more shots in the series, with solo groups of Kona
and Nicolette, coming later.
More of the workshop
series with Trisha, Kona and Nicolette - there's something about
these poses, Trisha lifting her dress, which I find very erotic
- which is why I shot three rolls of it.
The act of lifting
up her hemline just enough to reveal herself this way is so much
more enticing than it would be if she were just naked. I hope
you agree... otherwise you're going to be really bored with the
first half of this set.
I'm still working
on those Trisha negs - it's interesting to compare these early
shots, showing shy tentative expressions, to some later sessions
I did with her.
But in the past
week, I was interrupted by one of those frantic art director
emergencies, so I've been a bit delayed. I'm posting some out-takes
from a quickie shoot we did on Monday for Penthouse.
They were looking
for a shot to illustrate an article about what women like to
see in a man stripping - it wasn't anything I had in the files,
so I suggested we throw together a new photo shoot, and they
These are not
my usual, erotic symbolic studio shots - we did this with kind
of a "pulp
fiction" novella look - but it was a fun shoot and it may be interesting
to those budding photographers out there to see what we really
do to make a living....
I once heard
Gary Winnogrand (famous b&w street shooter) state that he
had hundreds of rolls of film he'd never seen - never even processed.
I couldn't believe it - I couldn't believe that any photographer
would not immediately process and print each roll of film and
then memorize each frame.
Yes, I had that
much free time.
Well things have
changed, and now I completely understand Winnogrand's situation.
Which brings me to today's posting - some shots of Trisha taken during a workshop
in San Francisco - shots that I had never taken the time to look
It turns out
there are some very nice images here - obviously the workshop
had an abundance of beauty: Trisha, Kona and Nicolette all showed
up. I'll try to include a few of each one as I add to this gallery.
I'm posting the
first group of scans from the Tabitha WhiteHouse session today.
It may look as if some of these are identical images, but if
you look carefully, you'll see what I was doing as I conducted
the shoot. Each shot shows a slightly different position of the
body - primarily the arms.
I was attempting
to maintain symmetry in the shots by keeping her arms either
hidden or positioned as design elements in relation to her legs.
We experimented with high heels in the same bending over positions,
but in the end I decided that the barefoot look was more successful.
I'll be adding
seated shots in the next update, so you'll also get to see her
rather pleasant front side.
Perhaps a bit
esoteric for the casual surfer, but at least slightly interesting
to the photo afficianados among you.....a recent inquiry in the
Forum prompted me to explain
why the ID numbers of my images are not always consecutrive,
leaving the impression that there are many missing photos. (Most
of my posted work comes from hi res scans of medium format Hasselblad
negatives, and I edit out many of the shots)
This gives me
a chance to post some sample proof sheets from a photo session,
including the out-takes. I've done this with the model, Isabella - and the proofs are
about twice my normal scan size, so you'll be able to see the
shots that were chosen versus the ones that were not.
At the same location,
I shot a session with Tabitha, most of which has never
been shown. Individual shots from that shoot will be coming soon,
but as a preview, I've posted some big
I'm going over
a very
interesting session today - and another example of the real reasons
(besides the obvious) that I'm continually fascinated in this
career I've got.
This series started when a local history student
commissioned me to photograph her re-enacting a famous love story
from ancient Chinese history. Her representation of a love-sick
princess and her various methods of expressing her frustrations
are quite erotic, and quite different from my usual work.
There are about
20 rolls of film, so I'm just going to cover the highlights right
now. I'll explain more in detail when I add the commentary to
this gallery.
I'm putting up
more prints
for sale
- including a few of my favorites, Natalie and Kona. Some of
the first batch have already been sold. Remember: first come,
first served.
The rest of the
color / goggles photos
are up now. It's an odd group, which is probably why I never
showed them before, but still there's something about them...
For those of
you looking at the technical aspects of the work, you'll notice
the weird colors in a few of these shots, which is what happens
when you use daylight strobes with outdated tungsten Kodachrome
(remember Kodachrome?) I did a lot of experimental work with
outdated film (tends to shift red) and cross processing. Of course
the same thing can be done now in Photoshop.
The nipple clamps
were her idea...
While I sort
through the rest of the Natalie goggle pictures, I'm going to
post some work done by an Italian photographer, Gabriele
I'll add some bio info on him shortly
OK, a word about
the goggles: first, this
shoot (where
I met Natalie) was for a start-up publication, to be called "X
Magazine" They wanted the cover model to be in the shape
of an X, but they couldn't decide if they wanted her naked, partially
naked or just suggestively clothed - so we shot all three posslibilities.
The investors
were also on set and wanted to art direct - thus the goggles,
and other things I won't bother to show you. But, still, she's
beautiful and she's naked, mostly.
I was almost
sure we had reviewed all of our Natalie files, but after a couple
of recent requests for more of her sessions, I actually discovered
some very interesting color chromes that have never seen the
light of day, so to speak. We'll get a brand new Natalie selection
up in the Archive very shortly.
By the way, in
most of these shots she's totally nude, except for the goggles
: )
In other news,
as promised, I've posted some of the bigger silver prints for
sale on the Auction page. Believe me, they'll
never be this cheap again....
I'm posting some
very nice prints, at very nice prices today - for those of you
interested in collecting original silver prints. The first few
are 8x10s, at less than 50% of the normal price. Later, I'll
have some 11x14 and even 16x20 prints available.
I'm taking a
break from ebay, but the discount prints will all be posted on
the usual auction page, click here to view the thumbs.
I'll be posting
some of the Jeanne photos today - a small series shot in Portland.
I'm also putting up the chapter photos from the Japanese Bondage
book - these were styled and cast by "Fetish Diva" Midori, to fit her specific rope techniques for each section
of the book. (This series will make sense of the behind-the-scenes
shots you may have seen previously
With the Dita
files, we've also got some behind the scenes shots done by SF
photographer Michael Blue. These are from the day we shot Dita
for the cover of The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage, plus
some location photos from a second session for the same book.
Later today,
I'll put up the six chapter header images from the book.
I've created
a "back blog" - an archive of these postings - for
those of you who just have too much free time. Click here to read
previous blog postings
Today we're adding
more Dita
Von Teese
and more Lynx photos. I have some
color shots of Dita which we're working on now, but I really
like these black & whites, since they're different from the
glamorous stylized shots she's so well known for in Playboy and
on the web. (See her site at Dita.net)
Still can't quite
get those Jeanne files done... but soon.
You'll have to
try to understand how easy it is to get distracted while sorting
through thousands of negatives and computer files. Even after
all these years, I'm not immune. So when, in the course of working
on the "Jeanne" files mentioned below, I happened upon
a couple of Dita images from our Japanese Bondage shoot, well
I just had to see how they'd look at higher res. (Dita von Teese
is a well-known fetish and lingerie model)
I've only got
one session with her, but it's easy to see why she recently graced
the cover of Playboy. For the first few images I'm posting, notice
that the image numbers are all the same film roll (I number my
files by roll number and frame number) - what does that mean?
Well it means that this model creates nearly perfect poses almost
100 % of the time - very little wasted film.
I love the b&w
shots, but I'll also be adding the color out-takes from the Midori
bondage book cover shoot, at which time you'll understand why
she has several layers of rope marks on her arms and legs (the
b&w film was shot just after the cover).
Still working
on the Jeanne negs, - got sidetracked when I noticed that the
have not been completely updated in...oh...maybe 3 years.
Those of you
familiar with the Private Archive galleries will probably know
these images already, but for everyone else, I encourage you
to take a look at the new free selections.
(It's amazing
to compare the new scans from our Minolta film scanner (no I
don't get paid to say that) with what I used to think were decent
scans from my pathetic little flatbed.)
I'm scanning
a few neg's of one of the Penthouse models, Jeanne, which I don't
believe have ever been published - should have them up later
today or tomorrow.
We've also made
some changes to the Preview sections of the web site - samples
from most of the galleries posted during the past few months
are now available on the new Big Preview Page.
I'm adding more
stylized bondage images to the Absinthe gallery (sorry Mom).
The tatoos seem to disturb some people, but if you take a look,
with an open mind, they're actually quite interesting - the one
on her back is a huge snake. I made a detail of one image showing
the nipple piercings, which then became quite beautiful (imho)
as abstract shapes.
I'm also making
some improvements to the site previews - so you can now see one big page with all of my favorites
from the past few months.
My mother refuses
to believe that women actually come to me and ask to be bound
and photographed. I'll have to remember to show her this series
of Absinthe.
I don't ask too
many questions; I just try to be accomodating.
We're testing
some new monitor settings in Photoshop 7, so the contrast and
brightness levels on these files may be adjusted over the next
few days.
Adding a few
more images to the April
color gallery.
At the risk of
cutting my nightly sleep time down to about 3 hours, we're taking
the blog and the Forum public today. If you
do have questions or comments, now's your chance.....
The April series has been brought
back to the Recent Gallery thumbs. This is the complete selection
from which sample shots have been showing on the Stern Magazine site.
I'm also posting
some color
from this session - never published before. The color shifts
are due to an experiment, using tungsten film with daylight strobes.
I'm adding more
to the <O>
B&W gallery,
and preparing a few color shots from April's session, in honor
of all the new visitors from Stern. Those will go up shortly.
The beginnings
of the <O>
Magazine b&w session are up now... more coming soon
Just discovered
why we're seeing so much extra traffic today. The German magazine
Stern is running a feature
on my work on their home
If any of you
tried to access MoreyStudio.com early this morning, you may have
noticed that we were so overwhelmed that the server had to shut
It's all been
corrected now, and we hope to have smooth sailing the rest of
the day.04-15-04
Another serrver
glitch this morning ... as if I didn't have enough to do already
on April 15 (tax day here in the USA).
But we're back
(as of 9:00am PST) and all is well - hope to get time to post
some of the b&w <O>Magazine shots later today.
I'm going through
another Penthouse shoot and posting some new scans. This is another
of my personal favorites, but mostly for the way the shoot was
arranged. The model was a pretty young French girl (she calls
herself "Lynx") who lived in
the building where I had my old studio. She had never modelled
before, but when she discovered what I was doing, she asked if
I would consider shooting her. What a silly question...
We've replaced
all the previous <O> scans with new higher resolution versions, and added some additional
images. Most of these shots have not been published before -
the editors at <O> chose only a small selection for the
magazine spread, and we'll be posting quite a few more. The b&w
series will be coming soon as well.
For those interested,
this shoot was done with outdated tungsten chrome film, under
daylight strobes, which accounts for the unusual color shift.
04-07-04 What began as
a fashion shoot for <O> Magazine of Germany, ended up without a lot of "fashion" on
the models. The editor actually used a lot of these rather explicit
images, which would never happen here in the US. We're upgrading
the scans for this shoot, but I thought it might be interesting
to show both the new results along with the original scans, for
comparison. Once the new ones are all up, we'll remove the earlier
smaller files. This job was
shot the old fashioned way, using transparency film, and was
then scanned at the lab. We're now doing our own hi-res film
scanning, and I think you'll notice a vast improvement. In addtiion to
the color images which were published, we'll also be presenting
some b&w shots from this shoot, which have never been shown
04-04-04 More Ronnie photos going up today.
To clarify, although I do think she looks like one of the classic
Playboy centerfolds, this assignment was for Penthouse. The Forum is once again accepting
comments and questions, so don't be shy.... I would prefer that
you post there rather than emailing me privately. It turns out
you don't need to register with your existing account name, so
feel free to use another pseudonym or just enter "anon123".
03-28-04 I never get bored
working on the Natalie files - a few more additions to her Session
2 gallery
will be up later today. As some of you
have noticed, the old Discussion Forum is not working. We're
experimenting with a new Forum, so give it a try and
leave a message there to test it out. I'm not convinced this
one is perfect, but let's try it for a while and see what happens. (You'll need
to register first, but it's quick and you can just use your existing
username and password)
03-24-04 We're updating
the Ronnie session - a classic
blond "Playboy type" beauty. We're also preparing
to take the blog public; however, the links will only work for
you guys who are Archive members.
03-21-04 Continuing with
the Iris session, from the WhiteHouse
Nudes series.
03-19-04 And now, for
something completely different: from the book, I
Am My Lover,
a documentary series of masturbation
I did on assignment - gritty, grainy, graphic - completely unposed,
and rather exciting. Read my commentary regarding the difference
in the look of these shots, as compared to my normal studio work.

03-19-04 It seems that
the Forum posting function was inadvertantly disabled during
the server switch. Since this is really quite lame software,
we might just trash it. We'll retain the workshop posts but will
be looking for some "guestbook" or "comments" software - any suggestions?
03-18-04 I've noticed
a lot of traffic to our site today coming in from Germany, due
to the TV broadcast of the WahreLiebe feature on my Midori
/ Ivy session.
They've posted some images
and video stills on their site, but I don't know how long they'll stay
up. They've promised
to send a copy of the tape, so perhaps we'll have some clips
to show you in a few weeks. Also added a
few more Iris
- some very provocative poses, but for me the most erotic may
be the close
up portrait
- a real beauty.....
03-18-04 Apparently we've
made a successful transition to our new web hosting company.
I'm optimistic that we'll no longer have lengthy down periods,
such as those we witnessed during the past month. If you have any
problems with the site or with email to me, try contacting us
at our alternate address: moreystudio@earthlink.net
03-17-04 If you're reading
this, it means the DNS transfer is working.
03-16-04 The German Vox Network has their schedule
for the Wahre
show posted now - looks like the feature showing my recent photo
with Midori and Ivy will be on Mar. 18 in the evening (for those
of you in Europe)
03-14-04 The beginnings
of a series of WhiteHouse photos of Iris. We begin the
transfer to the new server later today. There should be no interruption
in access, but uploads will be on hold til Monday.
03-14-04 Posted today,
the final TigerLily shots. I'll also be
posting a commentary for this series. I love the combination
of graphic shapes in these images - closed Asian eyes, the red
lips and the flowers, but I have no idea why....
03-13-04 We've been having
some bizarre server problems this week, and are now in the process
of moving to a new hosting company, so I've been distracted. Over the weekend,
l'll be posting the last of TigerLily, some Carol Queen, and
maybe some unpublished WhiteHouse photos.
03-10-04 I've just heard
from the folks at Eros-Zine, who've posted a nice
(if perhaps a bit pretentious) interview with me along with some
photos. This will run on their six major metro area sites for
a couple weeks. Also, for those
who speak German, the online version of Stern
is running an article about my work. For the rest, you can just
look at the pictures
(see link in middle of the page).
03-09-04 I'm posting two
galleries of the work of Herve
the first is a general collection of fashion / nudes, and the
second is a series of ads done for the French lingerie company
Aubade. There's a commentary with links, and a great
photo of the photographer looking like.... well, a French fashion
photographer. (I may now start wearing a bandana myself...)
03-07-04 One last series
of TigerLily
with the flowers
- these are variations of angles and cropping on one basic theme.
I'll add more to this gallery in another update this week, and
then we'll move on to Iris, Carol Queen and more Natalie - and
also a new guest gallery with the French fashion photographer,
Herve Lewis.
03-06-04 If you didn't
get the recent newsletter mailing, check the new Private
Archive Monthly Review for news about the German Vox network upcoming
broadcast (week of 3/18) of footage from one of my shoots, and
an offer on signed copies of the Midori book, Seductive Art of
Japanese Bondage. (If you wish to get this monthly mailing, just
sign up on the Home page)
03-02-04 A word to the
wise: I'm preparing to post an update to the Hi Res Archive, which means the bottom
four images will be dropped and, after tomorrow, will no longer
be available for download.
03-02-04 Uploading the
shots from the Olympus E-20, from last week's session with Allanah - sharpness and resolution
fall short of the Nikon, although I do like the colors in this
group better. That's adjustable in Photoshop, however.
03-01-04 To answer a few
questions posed over the weekend, regarding the TigerLily flower
photos: no, this is not special effects or Photoshop and, yes,
we did remove the thorns first. Also, I realize I'm not the first
to think of this idea, so feel free to send (as some have) other
interpretations of the theme. The more the merrier. (I prefer
that you post them in the Forum, so everyone can enjoy them.) Later tonight,
the rest of digital Allanah.
02-29-04 Continuing with
the flower
(TigerLily) - another 18 images. Theme and variations, leading
up to what I feel is the most successful shot, #3673.
02-27-04 I'm posting the
first few of the "flower" shots with TigerLily,
from last week. This is an idea proposed by a print collector
several years ago, but I never had an opportunity to experiment
with it, until now.
02-23-04 Another little "interruption" from last week. TigerLily called from LA to introduce
herself and arrange a shoot during a hectic week in SF. We shot
most of Thurs and got some nice things. She's very petite and
very not-shy. The first group is about half of the session -
more coming later, including some explicit insertion shots. I'm including
some more shots with the Olympus digital - the first series of
her on the couch - which are a bit washed out in the highlights
- anyone interested in buying this camera?
02-22-04 I keep trying
to get the Carol Queen session posted, but again I was interrupted.
Instead, I'm putting up some new images that are less than 24hrs
old. Allanah was passing through
SF on the way back to NYC, spent an hour at the studio, and I'm
very happy with the results.
02-17-04 A few more photos
of the WhiteHouse Group added.
02-16-04 While sorting
through the latest Trisha session, I rediscovered an earlier
studio shoot with her and added a few more scans. I'm posting
this as Trisha
although eventually we'll have at least four sessions with this
model. Still working
on Natalie and Carol Queen.
02-14-04 Reloading the
/ WhiteHouse
scans today - we've reworked some of the negatives and I'm happier
with the results. Also including some pair shots of her with
other models. Coming soon,
more Natalie and some infamous shots of the infamous Carol Queen....
02-09-04 Uploading a few
more images of June at the WhiteHouse. Although
these may not be the most overtly erotic of the series, I have
a particular fondness for this model, since I'd known her in
a totally different context prior to the shoot. She had no real
interest in being a model, and has not done any nude work since
this, so it was exciting (in an admittedly rather adolescent
way) to shoot her for this project.
02-06-04 Will be adding
more Natalie,
Session 2 images
this eve. Had to remove the "Flash Card" links, as
the designer hosting those files seems to have disappeared from
the web.
02-02-04: Slightly new
design for the Home page, beginning today - this blog will serve
to let you know what's just been added, what's coming up, etc.
We'll be making a few more, mostly cosmetic changes this week. Two new galleries
uploaded this morning: first, a few images from the WhiteHouse
series, showing a group
of models
who happened to be at the mansion all at the same time - just
couldn't pass up the opportunity, even though we only had about
20 minutes to shoot. Also, Session
2 with Natalie.
Still one of my favorite models - this was the session after
our original shoot for Future Sex - a bit more casual and relaxed,
and without the art director shouting in my ear. There are several
more proof sheets to review, so more photos are coming